For over last four decades Khandelwal has been known for making good quality products in brass material. Khandelwal Group since 1960, has mastered on product range & quality, coupled with continuous innovative approach. We have been making brass components for diversified of industries. The product spectrum is very wide. Khandelwal's R & D facilities are equipped with Cad/Cam design software. Our engineers carefully define the technical specifications of all our brass products. We consider customer’s satisfaction as our gross profit.
Our products are made under the most stringent quality control at every stage of production from finest raw material. Strict quality supervision ensures standard quality to meet international standards, that’s why our products are exported to several countries. A 'no compromise on quality ' attitude results in the latest technical developments, in production processes. Enduringness and dependableness are some of the assay-marks of our unmatched quality products. The automatic traub machines are used for making all brass sanitary fitting components as well as electrical wiring accessories. It confirms complete consistency in the components. Entire machining carried out on fully automatic and semi automatic high-speed high precision machines
Our single roof manufacturing facility includes imported raw material, Extruded rod plant, manufacturing unit & Packing department, This facility gives all our buyers consistent quality and quantity any time every time.
We are an ISO 9001:2000 accredited manufacturing unit with Forty Eight years of manufacturing experience.
We have a team of trained technocrats that has abundant experience in the manufacturing and exporting of all our products. Our R & D team keeps on coming up with latest technological innovations with hi-tech machinery. Our Material contents are checked by spectromax machine to establish exact composition as per customer’s specification. Our quality control is carried out by electro instruments and Spectrometer which are made in Germany. Our company has unique inspection facility to achieve goal to zero defects and rejection of any products manufactured by our regularly trained and technocrat engineers, who carry out the inspection of each individual product.
For Khandelwal, excellence is its own reward. It's an attitude that shows in every single activity we undertake. It shows in our work culture, management style and future planning. It also shows in every single piece manufactured by us - be it the workmanship, design, material used or the technology. The extraordinary pull of Khandelwal products is a manifestation of the focus on excellence.